Award-Winning Book 

by P.S. Lutz

Fiction /Satire

Otherworld Realism

Oversoul is over-the-top satire, a journalistic, poetic romp that features a fine and final epistolary role for the queen of England

A grand gift of wisdom, mysticism, and original, creative thought to those who love to imagine and explore new philosophical ideas and who crave a magical literary world.

Review by Sakina Fakhri from the Lazuli Literary Publication Group Writing Contest

" The wordplay intermixed with the conceptual satire is brilliant, and the plot and unfolding mystery is impeccably well-paced! The subject matter--words--I, of course, find always fascinating. "

About the Author

P.S. Lutz wields the pen as a sword and as a lilting instrument within the gallimaufry of poems, plays, short stories, and novels that make for two decades of modern mythic storytelling.  Five of his mythic operas have been produced on New York City stages since 2015.




Book Synopsis

The English language is going to auction and Daed Oversoul, the full-time poet laureate and part-time poet policeman, is called in by Chief Noble of the Lambshire Constabulary to help solve mystery and murder before nearly half a million English words are sold to the highest bidders and the queen's beloved mother tongue becomes common commodity.